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  • By Stuart Robinson
  • In Blog
  • Posted 01/06/2014

Professor Stewart Robinson, School of Business and Economics, Loughborough University.

The following WITNESS simulation models support Stewart Robinson's book 'Simulation, The Practice of Model Development and Use'.

The WITNESS model files can be downloaded here.


Wardeon Cinema has a telephone information and ticket booking service. Recently there have been a number of complaints about the service. Customers have been unable to get through or have had to wait for a long time.

Wardeon has decided to purchase and install a new telephone system. To test the proposed system a simulation was built. This simulation is also to be used to test the maximum capacity of the new system so Wardeon can predict if further expenditure will be required.

Panorama Televisions


Panorama Televisions have been involved in the manufacture of electrical goods since the early days of the radio.

Last year, to meet increased demand, Panorama invested in a new television assembly plant. However, the plant has never achieved its target throughput of 500 units per day. In fact, daily throughput is only just over 400 units. A simulation was built to investigate why and find what would have to be done to reach target throughput.

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